Advantages of Vertical Integration in Battery Storage Solutions
Understanding commercial and utility-scale battery storagesolutions can be complex. Many companies can offer you a product, but what setsKORE Power (KORE) apart is that it distinguishes itself with a solutions-based,vertically integrated approach. This strategy caters to businesses’ current andfuture needs, ensuring long-term product viability.
Instead of focusing on the end product, KORE’s differentiationstarts at the beginning of the supply chain. If we aren’t designing itin-house, we’re handpicking trusted partners to meet our supply chain needs. Wealso collaborate with companies that share our values, prioritizing safety. Ultimately,we aim to establish a reliable domestic battery manufacturing supply chain.
Vertical integration is not merely beneficial but crucial forproduct safety, a concept deeply understood by KORE. We are committed toproviding complete, turnkey solutions from a single, reliable source. Thesesolutions cover everything from cells to systems, including monitoring andensuring all production aspects are covered. We take pride in providing acomprehensive system, meeting customers’ needs while diligently monitoringthem. These solutions increase safety and quality control, reinforcing our commitmentto customer satisfaction.
With the development of the KOREPlex in Arizona and solutionsmanufacturing in Vermont, KORE stays ahead of technological advancements,equipping partners with reliable energy storage innovations.
“We believe customers should deploy projects prioritizing safetyrather than integrating each component from different contract manufacturers.Projects should be developed, integrated, and monitored by a single company,”said Jay Bellows, President of KORE Power.
A unique characteristic of KORE is managing the supply chain, fromcell development and manufacturing to complete solution design andmanufacturing. This includes monitoring services, field service support, andmaintenance. This comprehensive approach enables customers to enjoy end-to-endsolutions, enhancing operational excellence and building confidence in theirenergy storage infrastructure.
Our Solution’s division, based in Waterbury, Vermont, specializesin end-to-end solutions. KORE Power’s Network Operating Center, KAMS (KORE AssetManagement System), is found here, allowing our team to keeptrack of each system installed and ensure quick response times and 24/7monitoring. This asset is a significant reason why customers choose KORE. Wewon't leave our customers hanging after their product is installed. KORE setsitself apart by providing an unmatched vertical integration solution.
Despite the battery storage industry’s rapid expansion, KOREremains committed to future-focused innovation. Our investment in research anddevelopment keeps us at the forefront of energy storage technology trends.Clients partnering with KORE benefit from current advancements and gain astrategic edge in adapting to future sustainable energy solutions.
KORE prioritizes safety for both people and assets. Our operationsare aligned, from manufacturing to installation, and embed rigorous safetystandards. This commitment to safety protects our customers’ investments andaligns with our broader objective of creating a secure, reliable energyinfrastructure. KORE is shaping the energy storage industry’s trajectory byaddressing current needs and pioneering future solutions. As the industryevolves, KORE is ready to lead, innovate, and power a sustainable energy future.
About KORE Power:
KORE is a leading U.S.-based developer of battery cell technology and integrated solution manufacturer for the energy storage and e-mobility sectors. With clients in energy storage, e-mobility, utility, industrial and defense markets, KORE provides battery products and solutions that are the backbone for decarbonization across the globe. KORE is uniquely positioned to serve these markets as an integrated provider of cells, batteries, and solutions. Commercial production at the KOREPlex is targeted for 2025. The KOREPlex will have an initial annual production capacity of 6 GWh of battery cells, which may be expanded to 12 GWh to meet market demand. KORE is headquartered in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, with operations in Waterbury, Vermont, and Buckeye, Arizona.
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